Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Loyal Opposition Is Degenerating

She is a liberal feminist suing for “…assault, battery, false imprisonment…"because she"…went through channels…to block a hate speaker. Most of the involved faculty agreed with her. But two, perhaps only three faculty members who wanted Peled to speak bypassed all appropriate channels, and used their own faculty ‘turf’ to pay him $2,500. Now that the left has control of our universities, they have suspended democratic process and substituted physical violence. Violence only begets violence. Part one:

Here is part two: “I… found myself in the middle of my four opponents in a yelling match, and one of the men grabbed my arm. I tried to yank my arm free, could not, screamed 'TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!!' I tried to yank my arm free, could not, and screamed 'LET GO OF MY ARM!!!' I finally yanked free, though he never loosened his grip. At least 100 people were in the room… … but no one came forward… (the) assault left a very large and ugly bruise.” The professor who yanked her arm was also noted for treating his female students “… in misogynistic ways and … was scornful of feminist ideas.” 

So we have a left-wing professor who won awards for her diversity training and who is pro Israel subject to mob violence on a “free inquiry” college campus. The Muslims have moved in and trained the left to their techniques. So-called liberal professors now cover up for misogyny. To paraphrase our national anthem: We must be brave today if we want to remain free.

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