spoke at Tuesday’s hearing to approve our General Plan EIR, and said this:
I begin, I want to remind everyone here that I have a Masters in planning and
have worked much of my life in that field. So while some may regard me as a
nuisance to their goals, I am an expert nuisance. My sympathies to all you
commissioners. Tonight has been one of the most masochist experiences of my
life. I wish it were possible to debate almost every one of tonight’s speakers.
I turned in numerous pages of plan and plan DEIR criticism. If anyone wants to
read them they are all still available on Amador Community News under my blog,
Outside the Ivory Tower. The draft EIR reviewers considered my comments to be
primarily personal opinion because they did not discuss the adequacy of the
General Plan. While technically correct
for this EIR review, it was a set up because it’s impossible to discuss a
General Plan that isn’t general. A General Plan is supposed to set aside
sufficient land for various uses to provide choices for people in the future. Yet the Foothill Conservancy has criticized this
plan as vague. They want an even more proscriptive plan than even this
what Godlike omnipotence does anyone know what the world will be in the future?
No one does know, but after reading the entire General Plan and the Draft EIR
it’s rather apparent that this is not a plan in the tradition of freedom but a
very specific program to create a very specific future. A future where people
are removed from the land into service worker strategic hamlets called town
centers. It is social engineering that should
include, according to the Foothill Conservancy, even what type of stores people
have the freedom to open here. It is an Agenda 21/globalist agenda cookie
cutter plan so we can all goosestep to the new world order. A certain political
faction with time and financing was able to pack the early committees that
selected this consultant. That was a mistake I hope is never repeated.
am well aware that much of this plan is required by the Sacramento overloads.
Included in this is the total fraud of human induced global warming and the
degradation of science that has accomplished. The Foothill Conservancy
statement on this plan adds to that fear mongering with a laundry list of
frightening outcomes they envision if this plan is not even more specific. Personally, if I had a few extra million, I’d
give it to the County to start fresh with new plan. In that case, this plan
could be put to good use by being recycled into bathroom tissue.
I may appear to be speaking as an isolated individual, I would not be here today
unless I was completely confident that I am representing a large number and
possibly a majority of Amadorians. We don’t like losing our freedoms. People
have just voted for freedom in the UK and we have the Trump candidacy here.
Most likely the plan’s prescriptive future will take hold in a manner similar
to that of the abusive EPA. Relatively powerless property and homeowner’s will
be picked off one by one when a change in their circumstances trigger a new
procedure. Some will sue and others may not be so polite. While I hope and pray
nothing truly horrible happens, this plan and its draft EIR are asking for
We, the American people, are mostly descended from the n-word people of Europe.
Because of this we built a country based on freedom and opportunity. When I
listened to people tonight it seemed like they see themselves as little
aristocrats. Perhaps Sartre’s statement that "America is Super Europe" was
Interesting initially, but what on earth does the Trump candidacy have to do with freedom? That makes no sense at all.
ReplyDeleteAnd what could you possibly mean by the "n-word people of Europe", pray tell? I thought they were white. Perhaps you could mention if they were to start over as you suggest, some of the things you'd like to see.