Sunday, September 14, 2014

Did Lynn Morgan file required Upcountry Council reports?

Lynn Morgan established herself politically as chairperson of the Upcountry Council during the four years before this year. Since the council is an official advisory to the Board of Supervisors, its bylaws require an annual report to the BOS. Apparently, Lynn Morgan did not file these reports. If she had they would be a matter of public record in the BOS meeting minutes.

At this past Tuesday’s BOS meeting, as an aside during the presentation of another required report, Supervisor Brian Oneto asked if prior years’ reports for the Upcountry Council had been filed. No one present had an answer. However, Brian Oneto noticed Sherry Curtis, the present chair and former vice chair of Upcounty Council, in the audience and asked her. Sherry Curtis said to ask Lynn Morgan if she had fulfilled this obligation or not.

Lynn Morgan arrived at the BOS after this discussion ended, but I assume that she became aware of it. I have not seen an answer from her anywhere, and combed her website for at least a plausible explanation or an excuse. None was found except for this statement: “Public service as an elected official is an honor, not a right-and it should be earned in an honorable way.”

So I am publicly asking Lynn Morgan to state why she didn’t file these required reports. This venue provides an accessible response platform. And if she didn’t file them, and has no reasonable excuse, what does this error of responsibility foretell about her possible tenure as a county supervisor?

1 comment:

  1. Mr Bennett, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Go to and the interview with current Upcountry Council leader Sherry Curtis. Pay attention to minutes 1:00-4:20 and 13:00 - 15:00 in the interview. It's amazing to see how Lynn Morgan used her position to allow people living outside the county to influence and skew how the Upcountry Community felt on issues before the Board of Supervisors. I'ts also amazing to see how Morgan used her position to keep issues like the "Fire Tax" and Gravity Supply Line" off the agendas in order that they officially not be discussed. Morgan has her political beliefs and agenda, and she abused them in her position as the supposed leader of the Upcountry Council.
